Monday, June 7, 2010

Topic of the week: World Cup 2010!

Okay, so this one may be a bit biased, but I can't help it! The 2010 World Cup kicks off at the end of this week in South Africa!!! So as much as I would like to be there for it, alas, I will be watching on a television when I can...

However, for the many of you that have mentees interested in soccer, it could be a good time to educate yourself a little bit about this event. So check out this website and make your picks: FIFA World Cup 2010

Here are some random facts that may be good too:

**It is the most popular sport in the WORLD (in both spectators & active participants), but is known as "Football" in most countries. Well, in English it's Football, but in Spanish, "fútbol", Dutch "voetbal", German"Fußball", Italian "calcio", Thai "ฟุตบอล", and well, you get the picture...

**The largest attendance for a soccer match ever was 199,854 people - Brazil v. Uruguay in the World Cup at the Maracana Municipal Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, July 1950.

**The international governing body of soccer is the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), based in Zurich, Switzerland.

So those are just a few you can research some more yourselves! Look into the matches, have a friendly competition with your mentee, see who comes out on top! The excitement has just begun ;)

Play On!

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